Tuesday 4 August 2015

Magnolia (1999)

Entertainment in Video have handled some of the best independent cinema of recent years but their sleeve design ethos is tacky, tabloid-style rubbish. And Magnolia deserves better than that, even if the design required minimal imagination.

Union City (1980)

A much-underrated classic. Sadly the DVD release came out under Tartan, which meant a still on the front cover and that same old tiresome white and black spine. Why do that when there's a poster like that out? Simple matter to clone the skyline for a wrap cover. Not crazy about the crease on the tights but happy to go with it until I can find a better scan of the poster.

Two Mules for Sister Sara (1971)

Another Eastwood classic. Oddly this one hasn't got nailed by many collections but came out with just a plain photo cover despite being a standalone issue. 

Vengeance (1968)

One of my favourite spaghetti Westerns, this smashing Richard Harrison vehicle is still lacking a DVD release (even though 4Front put it out on VHS here twenty years ago). It was hard getting a good scan of the poster but I managed it and the rest was fairly simple. Quite proud of this one.

Sunday 2 August 2015

THX-1138 (1971)

Warners are usually one of the better labels for bringing out vintage films in decent covers but the one for THX-1138 featured a Criterion-style cover of the title character's ear, so off that came.

To Catch a Thief (1954)

Spoilt for choice for vintage posters for this one, easily squeezing out Paramount's "random picture of Cary and Grace" original.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Transformers: The Movie (1986)

One of my guilty pleasure films; I love Transformers and even though the original animated film is objectively tripe it's a big part of my childhood. As was the original UK movie poster, a version of which cut from a comic adorned my bedroom door. Merging that (already used for the cheapo Sony Wonder release) with the contents of Metrodome's two-disc Ultimate Edition with some cleaner rear cover artwork was simple but satisfying.

Straw Dogs (1971)

Cursed with several low-budget releases in the UK; instead I wanted to use the broken glasses poster as to my mind it's a classic. Dropping it into the MGM template made sense as they handled the US DVD release.

Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Not sure whether carrying the strip of film onto the spine works or not; it looks too dull otherwise.

Royal Space Force - Wings of Honneamise (1987)

Another one where the source material made it more of a challenge; so much of the promotional art for the original film was quite abstract and media releases since have featured a whole hotch-potch. The front cover was eventually taken from (I think) the Chinese Blu-Ray but overall I consider this one a bit of a placeholder until I find some artwork that really sums up the film.