Tuesday 4 August 2015

Magnolia (1999)

Entertainment in Video have handled some of the best independent cinema of recent years but their sleeve design ethos is tacky, tabloid-style rubbish. And Magnolia deserves better than that, even if the design required minimal imagination.

Union City (1980)

A much-underrated classic. Sadly the DVD release came out under Tartan, which meant a still on the front cover and that same old tiresome white and black spine. Why do that when there's a poster like that out? Simple matter to clone the skyline for a wrap cover. Not crazy about the crease on the tights but happy to go with it until I can find a better scan of the poster.

Two Mules for Sister Sara (1971)

Another Eastwood classic. Oddly this one hasn't got nailed by many collections but came out with just a plain photo cover despite being a standalone issue. 

Vengeance (1968)

One of my favourite spaghetti Westerns, this smashing Richard Harrison vehicle is still lacking a DVD release (even though 4Front put it out on VHS here twenty years ago). It was hard getting a good scan of the poster but I managed it and the rest was fairly simple. Quite proud of this one.

Sunday 2 August 2015

THX-1138 (1971)

Warners are usually one of the better labels for bringing out vintage films in decent covers but the one for THX-1138 featured a Criterion-style cover of the title character's ear, so off that came.

To Catch a Thief (1954)

Spoilt for choice for vintage posters for this one, easily squeezing out Paramount's "random picture of Cary and Grace" original.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Transformers: The Movie (1986)

One of my guilty pleasure films; I love Transformers and even though the original animated film is objectively tripe it's a big part of my childhood. As was the original UK movie poster, a version of which cut from a comic adorned my bedroom door. Merging that (already used for the cheapo Sony Wonder release) with the contents of Metrodome's two-disc Ultimate Edition with some cleaner rear cover artwork was simple but satisfying.

Straw Dogs (1971)

Cursed with several low-budget releases in the UK; instead I wanted to use the broken glasses poster as to my mind it's a classic. Dropping it into the MGM template made sense as they handled the US DVD release.

Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Not sure whether carrying the strip of film onto the spine works or not; it looks too dull otherwise.

Royal Space Force - Wings of Honneamise (1987)

Another one where the source material made it more of a challenge; so much of the promotional art for the original film was quite abstract and media releases since have featured a whole hotch-potch. The front cover was eventually taken from (I think) the Chinese Blu-Ray but overall I consider this one a bit of a placeholder until I find some artwork that really sums up the film.

Friday 31 July 2015

Toy Story Collection (1995 / 1999 / 2010)

Found this one a little more tricky than expected, simply because I wanted to have a front showing off more of the cast without it being so specific to one or another film. And yes, I know about the shorts (I'm not interested) and the fourth one (I'll deal with that when it comes out).

Thursday 30 July 2015

8 Million Ways to Die (1986)

Why would you put out a film as eighties as this and give it a dull modern cover? I have no idea, but that's what Second Sight did. A simple restoration of the great contemporary poster did the job, with a European one providing a great piece for the back as well.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

The Raid (2011) / The Raid 2 (2014)

Double bills can be hard to do; it's often tricky to find something that sums up both films without having to do the cheap-looking vertical split. Thankfully the producers of the second Raid film considerately put out a poster showing Rama's previous life as a cop and his new one as a renegade, something which did most of the work for me.

Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)

This one was something of a challenge; the film itself is achingly beautiful but I dislike covers that are just a single shot however beautiful it is as one shot shouldn't define a film. But the original poster was a bit inappropriate in full colour, so a sepia filter seemed a nice compromise.

Monday 27 July 2015

Pickup on South Street (1953)

Optimum can be funny about DVD covers; most of their vintage stuff looks great with the standalone ethos I really like, original artwork and so on. But every now and then they just use stills and blocks of primary colour, as per the original sleeve for Sam Fuller's classic. This was a fun one to do as there were a couple of really nice old posters for the film that were easy to use.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Nikita (1990)

Luc Besson's second best film. Sadly the UK release was saddled with two things I really can't stand - being part of an incomplete "collection" and an uninspired still front cover. The expressionistic French poster did a better job with the aforementioned still now on the back and filtered to match the front a little better.

Journey into Fear (1943)

The maybe-directed-by-Orson-Welles-but-probably-not minor classic. The US posters were all rather dull efforts for the time, dominated by billings, so a major fudge of a French version was needed. Quite happy with this one when there were so few options available, though.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Dressed to Kill (1981)

The usual drill.

D.O.A. (1950)

Public domain films are a double-edged sword; they're cheap and even free depending on where you look but any retail release will have corners cut, most just using poor stills. This one has one of the original posters on the front with a Swedish version cannibalised for the back, all slapped on the Optimum template because I really like Optimum.

In the Realm of the Senses (1976)

A hard one to do in terms of finding grist - the Japanese make awful film posters, the original UK sleeve is just a big still of Sada and Kichizo fucking and the various Criterion attempts are just airy-fairy hipster symbolism. Whereas I like the basic simplicity of the front cover with the pair of them just separate to everything else without it being too much of an abstract image/

Friday 24 July 2015

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

Rounding out the Dollars trilogy. Only reservation I have with this one is the van Cleef/Wallach billing on the front; that's roughly where it was on the poster but it looks too far down, yet moving it up closer to Eastwood's name looks just as weird.

In a Lonely Place (1950)

Columbia's vintage stuff has the considerable distinctiion of making even MGM's stuff look like hard work. Though in this case it was quite difficult to find a poster not utterly dominated by the "Bogart suspense film with the surprise finish" tag-line. In the end I went with a classy French poster with the title pasted in front a US poster.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Foxy Brown (1974)

Another MGM photomontage replaced by a classic original poster. Look at that, why would you not want an image like that on the front cover?

Saturday 18 July 2015

For a Few Dollars More (1965)

Much the same thing as A Fistful of Dollars; the plan was to come up with something that worked both as a standalone and next the other parts of the trilogy on the shelf.

The Defiant Ones (1958)

Another MGM release given a photomontage cover; I much prefered the original poster, ridiculously exaggerated physiques for Sid & Tone notwithstanding.

Friday 17 July 2015

A Fistful of Dollars (1964)

The Dollars Trilogy have often been the victims of dull giftset and/or collection work on DVD; I really wanted to do a standalone-style cover using the original poster.

Dead Man (1995)

I've no idea what the R2 release of this even looks like but the R1 version I have is a bit of a mess, so out came the old trusty Optimum template.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Les Diaboliques (1955)

One of the greatest films ever made, Clouzot's classic is generally lumbered with dull covers. UK licencees C'est La Vie got using the majestic poster on the front cover right but got just about everything else wrong. Switching it to the ever-useful Optimum template was a start.

Mulholland Drive (2001)

The usually reliable Optimum did a lovely series of 2-disc Lynch special editions a few years ago; sadly they all used the ultimate wear-and-tear combo of digipaks with an acetate slipcase. Not only did these fray and scratch respectively within minutes of purchase but they look really nasty on shelves to boot. So here's Mulholland Drive done in a visually similar style but for a standard double case.

Blow Out (1981)

MGM/UA issue a lot of classic films on DVD but they always use a dull photo-montage template for the covers - a real shame when the original film had a beauty of a poster like this.

Bound (1996)

Subbed in one of the better US theatrical posters to replace the tabloidy UK "it's by the guys who done The Matrix and has sex in it" cover. Though if ever a more modern film deserved a forties-style painted noir poster it's this one.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

The Shining (1980)

Replacement for the dull and pretentious "door" cover for the special edition. Always find it worth remembering that while The Shining is technically superb it's still an eighties 18-cert horror and deserves garish cover art to match.

Repulsion (1965)

My favourite Polanski, but the UK release has a boring montage cover when the original poster was terrific.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Foreign Correspondent (1940)

Hitchcock is one of the more frustrating directors to collect if you're OCD about DVD sleeves as all the various distributors are always putting out incomplete themed sets; the smashing Foreign Correspondent suffered more than most through being put out in one of Universal's more modish sets, a dire thing basically consisting of a big block of green and another of black. No. Went instead for the terrific art deco style poster on the front, though I'm not sure if using a similar but different image on the back was all that smart.

Friday 3 July 2015

The American (2010)

Anton Corbijn's underrated modern classic was blessed with a great poster but when it came out on DVD the sleeve was lumbered with a boring photomontage. Soon remedied.

Thursday 2 July 2015

The Funeral (1996)

Abel Ferrara's The Funeral, another personal favourite that only seems to be largely available over here as part of a triple set with two other films. Standard stuff based around the US poster.

Blue Velvet (1986)

One of my favourite films - and one that's been repeatedly saddled with cheap-looking UK releases, usually dominated by Frank Booth (the sleeve is for Secular Entertainment's two-disc special edition). Whereas America and much of Europe got one of MGM's better efforts, a smart wrap-around featuring the classic Kyle-and-Isabella on blue velvet background. So this one was pretty simple, adding UK bells and whistles to the German release.